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An Analysis of the Difference Between Quarks (Gluons & Photons) and Leptons (W & Z Bosons) From the Viewpoint of Scientific Godism


In this article, we will strive to introduce the core of our unique SMM Gauge Theory, the 4 Position Foundation Structure (4PFS). We will do so using two well-known models of existence. Figure 1 [V8] is a diagram outlining the Religious Model of All Reality called by Godism “the Equilibrium Ozone Realm of Uncertainty”, or the Null-type Yellow Ozone (o). In this realm also called the Upper Higgs Energy Field (UHF) All Reality exist as  God’s PURE ENERGY presence called the Universal Prime Energy of action (UPE of action). This type of energy is non-observable from the Physical perspective because of its circular or unlimited broad bandwidth[1].  We see this as referring to the vertical presence of God as mentioned in I John 5:7 from a heavenly perspective.

"For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.", KJV, I John 5:7

Figure 2 [E8] is a diagram outlining the Scientific Model of All Reality called Schrodinger’s Energy Equation, or the Wave-type Violet Ozone (~). In this realm also called the Lower Higgs Energy Field (LHF), “All Reality” exists as God’s PURE MATTER presence called  Universal Prime Energy of form (UPE of form) or MASS. This type of energy is observable from a Physical perspective because of its linear or limited bandwidth[2]. We see the Scientific Model as referring to the horizontal presence of God’s Spirit as mentioned in I John 5:8 from an earthy perspective.

 "And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one." KJV, I John 5:8

Both of these models of existence, the Scientific (~) and the Religious (o), describe Energy (E) and Matter (M) equally as Quaternion[3] of EM Light balanced in such a way as to represent Null Energy as NOD (Null Ozone Domain) or absolute VOID. This Null or VOID Energy is what Scientific Godism calls O-zone (O^3). We conceive of this Ozone as a real place called NOD, but it exists in what Religions of the Bible call the Spiritual Universe mentioned in Gen 4:16:

“And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden” KJV, Gen 4:16

You see, in the language of Scientific Godism the Cosmos as a whole is a null (zero =O) energy field, … meaning a combined Spiritual and Physical Universe harmonized into ONE as an Ozone of Null Energy (O.N.E.). This in a nutshell is our Grand Unified Field Theory (GUT). It also represents the holonymy of the Cosmos as our Theory of Everything (TOE). In this way, the Science of Godism confirms the existence and unity of the COSMOS as a SPIRITUAL and PHYSICAL UNIVERSE harmonized into ONENESS... meaning a 1pu rest mass bound together by something referred to in Gen 1: 6-8 the "firmament of Heaven".

"And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day." KJV, Gen 1:6-8


In summary, Scientific Godism is a unique Theory of Everything (TOE) simply because we see the Electromagnetic (EM) energy of Light as the very definition of zero-point Energy (ZPE) from a gauge perspective[4]. In our presentation we will strive to show that this Z-potential energy is rooted in a place called Paradise Isle (Pi) representing the Love force of God linked to Z-bosons, Next we will show how this Z-boson represents "Lightning from the Throne of God" (Rev 4:5) unfolding into the E-Ozone Realm of Uncertainty called Paradise Gravity (Pg) as the Life force of God linked to what Quantum Physics calls W-bosons. This W-boson represents the Thundering and voice of God which releases the 7-Dimensional Spirit of God in the Lower Higgs Energy Field (LHF).

And out of the throne proceeded lightnings ( Z-boson) and thunderings (W-boson) and voices (Cross-Product): and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God (rainbow colors).

Using our unique SMM Gauge Theory the 4PFS we will show how the WZ bosons within the lower Higgs Energy Field as Graviton particles ultimately congeal or emerge into existence as All Reality in a realm called Paradise Relative Gravity (Pgr) linked to the birth of Baby Cosmos[5] as the literal Blood Lineage of God our Heavenly Parents, the Source of All Energy (TOTAL ENERGY). This congealing or condensation takes place through a process called CROSS PRODUCT (CP as in CPU or the Central Processing Unit) interaction. This CPU interaction results in a third-dimensional Axis called the Axis of Lineage linked to the perpetual FLOW of DIVINE LIGHT ENERGY to each ITB referred to in Rom 1:20 as God’s Eternal Power Factor!

All of this CPU interaction takes place in the quantum realm linked to what Science calls Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) and Quantum Electrodynamics (QED). These two interactions according to Schrodinger’s equation are part of the Quantum Thermodynamic (QTD) interaction process also referred to as Nuclear Fusion reaction in the core of Stars. It is a process of True Love Interaction, what our True Parents refer to as "Love practiced with moral responsibility". This is all part of the Energy Transformational (ET) Mechanism taking place in the Quantum Realm of All Reality, resulting in the birth of our COSMOS

Finally, we hope to introduce the Religious Model of All Reality as the Godhead linked to the Upper Higgs Energy Field (UHF) as the core of the Spiritual Universe (SU) or the Super Universe. It is this core reaction, taking place in the Center of the Cosmos (COC), that we call GOD’S TRUE LOVE ACTION. Therefore, according to the Science of Godism at the COC our Heavenly Parents GOD exist as the central SUN of All Reality. From there they bathe EVERYTHING IN THE COSMOS with their DIVINE LOVE ENERGY PRESENCE represented as COSMIC WATER Elements (-H--O--H+). The Science of Godism introduces "the river of the Water of Life" mentioned in Rev 22:1 as the basis of our S.T.R.E.A.M. Education program [6].


[1] Here we introduce the concept of “circular or unlimited broad bandwidth”  to refer to the wholeness or holonymy of the Light Spectrum. Our spiritual senses are tuned to an unlimited broad bandwidth of light linked to the Cosmic existence of EVERYTHING as ONE THING, the Trinity Energy Matter Presence (T.E.M.P.) of our Heavenly Parents.

[2] Here we introduce the concept of linear or limited bandwidth to refer to the limited aspect ( or meronymy) of the Light Spectrum. For example, our physical senses are tuned to a limited bandwidth of light (400 to 700 nm) acting as the ALPHA and OMEGA of our Physical Universe in contrast to the wholeness or Cosmic version of Light.

[3] Here we introduce quaternion as the four-power factor structure(4PFS) quite similar to the four position Foundation Structure (4PFS). It is this structure that we refer to as our unique SMM Gauge Theory…. which allows us to measure the unmeasurable! JC Maxwell used his Quaternion equations to unify ELECTRICITY (Spiritual Universe) and MAGNETISM (Physical Universe) into ONE FLESH as EM force fields. His equation was so accurate his was able to determine the speed of Light as 3x10^8 m/sec, representing three things acting together as one flesh over 8-dims of Space (E8) and Time (V8). Is this not a verification of the Holy Trinity Energy Matter Partnership of Heavenly Parents and their Only Begotten Son and Daughter? Of course, it is. In Rev 21:1-8 we are introduced to the 21st century as the Age of Cheon Il Guk. It is destined to be an era where the face of God(Rev 22:4) will dwell on earth with Man and be their God as True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind.

[4] What do we mean by gauge perspective? We are talking about that system that defines the measurability of UPE. By definition, energy can neither be created nor destroyed but only converted from one form to another. So, the gauge controller used to measure energy is that which Religion calls GOD or the Science of Godism called GRAVITY OZONE DOMAIN (G.O.D.)! Modern Science refers to this as the “measurement problem”. The question of concern is “How does even God decide definite outcomes from quantum states in superposition?”. Our research shows that God (the Owner of All Energy) decides through a man whom they specifically created/born in their image (Gen 1:27). This is the concept of the Messianic Couple called True Parents. Thinking from this perspective Scientific Godism agrees with aspects of the Anthropic Principle.    Measurement problem - Wikipedia

[5] Our unique Theory of Everything (TOE) introduces the word “Baby Cosmos” to refer to the Holonymy of Everything directly born into existence as the Cross product of God’s LOVE (E) and LIFE (M) energy via a process of Symbiotic  Exchange (S.E.X.) of Energy ultimately referred to as Sexual Intercourse linked to QED activity in the Lower Higgs Energy Field between plus and minus charges referred to as the ADAM/EVE Unity problem.

[6] Here we introduce the acronym S.T.R.E.A.M. in education to represent the Water Cycle of Nature. Of course, our concept of Water is not mundane as in -H--O--H+ but rather a supernatural cosmic water cycle linked to ENTROPY and DIVINE LIGHT ENERGY (-S, S=0,+S). STREAM education embraces the combined study of six academic fields as follows:


T = Technology

R = Religion as in Relativity

E = Engineering

A = Art forms

M = Mathematics

The True L.I.G.H.T. Research Institute of Science and Religion is dedicated to developing an educational curriculum worthy of this title.


Figure 1: An Overview of the Vertical Religious Model of All Reality

Figure 2: An Overview of the Horizontal Scientific Model of All Reality


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